Energy Healing - The Ultimate Adjunctive Therapy?

September 3, 2024
Expert Advice

Hi there, I'm Dr. Edward Bassingthwaighte BVSc(HonsII). You might know me from TheHealing Vet or WholeEnergy Body Balance. I'd love to share a bit about my journey with energy therapies and how they've become an integral part of my veterinary practice.

My First Encounter with Energy Healing

Over two decades ago, while working as a locum in the UK, I had my first experience with energy healing. A woman brought in her older cat who wasn't doing too well—weight loss, dull coat, just not herself. I discovered a sizable mass in the cat's abdomen, which was alarming. I explained the grim prognosis and planned for X-rays and likely euthanasia the next day.
But the next morning, something astonishing happened. The lump had vanished! Despite thorough palpation, I couldn't find it. When I shared this with the cat's owner, she tearfully confessed that she'd been "shooting golden arrows of love" into the lump all night.
Back then, I chalked it up to a strange, spontaneous remission and continued with conventional vet work. Little did I know, this was my first brush with what I now recognise as a literal miracle through Energy Healing.

My Personal Health Struggles

About a year later, I was struck down by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and likely LymeDisease. Western medicine helped somewhat, but I remained severely ill for years. My turning point came via a local masseuse who was also an EnergyHealer. His work gave me more symptomatic relief than anything else that I’d tried. 

I delved into learning the EMF Balancing Technique and found it immensely helpful. My staffy, Tikka, was sensitive to energy work, often sitting close when I practiced. So often, out of the blue, that it was clear to me that she could somehow sense or feel me working with healing energy at a distance - and that she liked it and wanted to be near it. This spurred me to further study under masters like Barbara Brennan and Cyndi Dale, and to continuously innovate my approach to energy therapies.

Integrating Intuition and Energy Therapy into Veterinary Practice

Now, an intuitive and energy therapy component is a cornerstone of my veterinary practice. I find it helps me connect with, understand, and heal the animals I work with much more effectively. It’s also completely safe!

Evidence Supporting Energy Healing

Numerous studies have shown significant results, such as:

  • Cancer Remission in Mice: Dr. William Bengston's "laying on of hands" experiments demonstrated an impressive 87.9% cure rate for breast cancer in mice. Read more.
  • Wound Healing Acceleration: Bernard Grad's studies showed that mice receiving healing had significantly faster wound healing times.
  • Reiki and Other Modalities: Research supports Reiki's effectiveness in reducing anxiety, pain, and stress, and improving overall well-being. Read more.

Understanding Energy Healing

The concept of ‘biofields’ can help in comprehending energy therapies. Science recognises that living beings emit measurable electromagnetic fields. Fascia, for instance, generates electric fields through movement, which aligns with acupuncture meridians. Biophotons are another fascinating aspect, acting as potential control signals in living organisms.

All living beings generate an electromagnetic field, which is measurable by existing scientific technology. This is created by electrical activity in the nerves and muscles, and your pet's heart is the main driver of their electromagnetic field. 

In energy healing, the practitioner connects with and directs natural healing energy into your pet’s body and energy systems, particularly the chakras. This process is intuitively guided.

Energy ‘Healing’ Modalities

Energy healing can range from acupuncture and light therapies that use physical technologies that affect your pet’s energy systems, to more pure energy healing methods like Reiki, Whole Energy Body Balance™, and Sound Healing.

While there are many practitioners, it's essential to find someone grounded and ethical. Someone who has a high level of skill.

Benefits of Energy Therapies

While miracles are rare, energy healing can:

  • Reduce pain and anxiety
  • Induce relaxation
  • Improve mood, sleep, and overall well-being
  • Improve depression
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Increase overall well-being and vitality
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Improve mood
  • Combat stress

Case Studies

The Ancient Autoimmune Akita

This elderly Akita was suffering from a severe autoimmune disease, leaving him nearly hairless, miserable, and hardly moving from his bed. His owners were considering euthanasia due to his poor quality of life. Despite extensive conventional treatments, nothing seemed to help. I suggested trying an energy work session. Astonishingly, after just one 60-minute session, the dog showed a50% improvement in all symptoms. He became more active, happy, and engaged, which persisted over time, giving him a much better quality of life.

The Runaway Rescue Dog

A desperate family reached out to me because their newly adopted rescue dog kept jumping fences and running away, despite their best efforts to keep him safe.They had other dogs and were worried this one wouldn’t settle. I conducted a distant energy work session over the phone. Amazingly, the runaway behavior ceased immediately and never recurred. The dog integrated smoothly into his new pack and home, highlighting the profound impact energy work can have, even from a distance.

Geronimo the Sour Horse

Geronimo was known for his grumpy demeanour, often pinning his ears back and showing signs of discomfort, especially when being saddled. After just one session of energy work, his owner noticed an immediate and dramatic change. He no longer pinned his ears back and looked much more relaxed and attentive. They went on trail rides and attended lessons without any signs of his previous sour behavior. His owner even reported laughing out loud for the first time in along while during a ride, finding him motivated and full of energy. This transformation fostered a renewed bond between the two, making riding enjoyable again.

Elsie, the Troubled Mare

Elsie was a highly stressed mare, prone to weaving, hitting her head against stable walls, and ramming gates. Her owner, Amy, was at her wit's end, and even the vet had prescribed Prozac with little effect. I was asked to communicate withElsie and conducted a WEBB Energy Work session from afar. Almost immediately,Elsie’s behavior improved significantly. She started spending hours peacefully grazing in the paddock, stopped hitting her head or ramming gates, and became more affectionate with Amy and her family. Though some behaviors remained, the improvement was substantial, and Amy felt like she had her old Elsie back.

Safety and Ease of Learning

Energy healing is generally safe and easy to learn, making it a wonderful tool for anyone looking to support their pets in a non-invasive way. All pet owners can learn simple energy healing techniques that make a real difference for pets. 

If you're curious to learn more or want to start incorporating energy healing into your pet care routine, feel free to explore the resources on my website or drop me a message. Let's unlock the ultimate adjunctive therapy for your furry friends!

Happy healing! 🌿🐾

About the Author - Dr Edward Bassingthwaighte.

Dr Edward Bassingthwaighte is a holistic veterinarian, and a world-leading expert in silent pain in pets. Dr Edward is passionate about fresh raw whole foods for dogs. He is the founder of the Whole Energy Body Balance method- a profoundly healing bodywork modality for pet parents and pet wellness professionals to relieve silent pain, anxiety and trauma in pets. Join Dr Edward's free masterclass on silent pain in pets here.

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