Tasmanian Salmon

  • Australian ocean-farmed Tasmanian salmon.
  • Sustainably and ethically farmed.
  • Raw and minimally processed for maximum health benefits.

Health Benefits

Growth & Development
Heart Health
Nervous System Function
Brain Health
Eye Health


Tasmanian Salmon is a rich source of complete protein for our pets. In particular, the amino acids methionine and cysteine. These important essential amino acids are found in high amounts in fish. For dogs, these amino acids are needed in adequate amounts as the building blocks for the amino acid taurine which is not essential but “conditionally essential”. A conditionally essential amino acid is one that is critically important for health but can be made by the body, providing its amino acid building blocks are plentiful enough in the diet. In the case of taurine, dogs need enough methionine and cystine in their diet to make this important amino acid that is critical for heart health. This makes these amino acids extremely important for dogs to obtain consistently and in good amounts from their diet. In addition to their importance in the manufacture of taurine, methionine and cysteine are also important for maintaining a healthy skin and coat. In cats, methionine, cysteine, and taurine are all essential and must be provided in adequate levels from the diet.

Tryptophan is another essential amino acid that our pets must obtain through diet and fish is an excellent source of this important nutrient. Tryptophan is a precursor for niacin synthesis, serotonin, and melatonin making this amino acid important for mood, sleep, and energy production. These combine to make tryptophan one of the most important amino acids for mood and behaviour for our pets.

Fish is the richest known source of the essential fatty acid, omega-3. As a fatty fish, salmon is one of the best dietary sources of this important good fat. Omega-3 is important for healthy growth and development, brain health, eye health, and the health of the nervous system. Omega-3 fats have an anti-inflammatory effect in the body and are an important addition to the diet not only for general health and wellbeing, but healthy ageing, healthy joints, and a healthy cardiovascular system.

Fish is not high in iron like other meats but does contain vitamins B1, B3,B5, B6, and B12 as well as the minerals selenium and phosphorus.

The signature red colour of salmon comes from the antioxidant astaxanthin which provides several health benefits including benefiting heart health and brain health.

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